Just-a-Plate™ or Just-a-Tube
™ 96 PCR Purification Kit
What the kit can do: (1) Purify PCR Products; (2) Remove Primers, Nucleotides, Primer Dimers; (3) Concentrate PCR Products; (4) Selectively control the fragment size of purified PCR products.
Why you should use the kit: This revolutionized new SSRB technology can overcome other PCR purification methods such as spin column, magnetic bead or fitration tip in the PCR purification market with (1) Highest Product Recovery Efficiency (over 95% product recovery efficiency while other methods have less than 80% product recovery efficiency): If you don't want to lose your PCR product during
purification process, then you should use a technology with a maximum product recovery efficiency. (2) Most cost efficiency (the lowest price to purify a PCR sample): If you find any commercial PCR purification kit has a lower price, we guarantee you that we will beat the any competitor's price with a further 15% off any competitor's price (3) Highest Purity: The kit can remove primers, nucleotides and primer dimers with 99.99% efficiency (4) Fast and easy to perform: Save your time and reduce your
How the PCR purification works: Pease see How PCR Purifcation Technology Works.
Feature Highlight
- Fast to perform: It only takes less than 20 minutes of overall time (less than 5 minutes hands-on time) to purify 96 PCR samples . (The kit can process any number of samples up to 96 PCR samples at a time with Just-a-Plate kit. If you process less than 24 PCR samples at a time, We recommend you choose Just-a-Tube PCR Purification Kit, which only need less than 5 minitues to purifiy 24 PCR samples)
- Easy to handle:
PCR reaction, PCR products purification and downstream assays all can be performed in the same plate/tube without sample transferring, making the plate/tube as an idea platform for multiple-tasks workflow and save your money! The 96-well plate or 8-well strip is
suitable for all standard 0.2 ML block thermal cycler. Several successive steps
in a workflow can be performed in the same plate/tube, e.g. adaptor ligation, PCR,
PCR purification, and a downstream application such as ligation, endonuclease
digestion, or sequencing to mention just a few, without a need for sample
transfer. Since no silica membrane is needed for binding, multiple
steps of filtration in the sample binding and washing steps associated
with conventional silica membrane methods are eliminated, which makes the whole
procedure very easy to perform. You also don't need special equipment to handle the kit as magnetic beads or 96-well membrane plates need.
- Reliable quality: Unique SSRB technology provides consistent well-to-well performance of high yield (recovery ) of PCR DNA with high quality.
- Over 95% PCR Product Recovery Efficiency: Spin column method: With less than 75% recovery efficiency. Magnetic Bead method: With less than 80% product recovery efficiency.
Kit Specifications:
- Starting Material: 5 ul - 40 ul PCR product (1 ng - 30 ug dsDNA PCR products)
- Elution Volume: 5 ul - 40 ul ( you also can concentrate your PCR product with less elution volume if you want to get higher concentration for downstream applications)
- Separation Range: Purified DNA fragment: 60 bps - 15 Kbps from 10 - 400 mer primers (The kit can selectively control the PCR fragment size need to be purified, such as DNA fragments > 200 bps or 400 bps while removing ssDNA primers and primer dimers.)
- DNA Recovery: > 95% ( Highest product recovery rate among all existing technologies in the field, such as spin-column, magnetic bead, or filter tip methods)
- Sample Purity: Remove neucleotides and ssDNA primers with 99.99% efficiency!
Order Information
Product Description
Catalog #
Listed Price (USD)
Just-a-Plate (96-well Plate x 2, 192 Preps)
Just-a-Plate (96-well Plate x 10, 960 Preps)
Just-a-Tube (8-well Strip x 12, 96 Preps)
Just-a-Tube (8-well Strip x 120, 960 Preps)
Note: Note: (1) For international order and shipping information, please contact us @ order@charmbiotech.com.
(2) If you are from a sale tax-exempt organization, please send your order request directly to order@charmbiotech.com. we will send you an invoice without sale tax for your payment.
(3) Individual kit components can be purchased separately, please contact us for details.

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