Charm Biotech offers a broad range of products for high throughput applications, which aredeveloped for the highly efficient and reliable extraction of plasmid DNA, PCR
products, genomic DNA, mRNA, total RNA and microRNA from a wide range of
starting materials. These products use Charm Biotech’s Solid Surface Reversible
Binding (SSRB) based purification technologies allowing the binding of nucleic
acids to 96-well microtiter plate surface, membrane surface and regular tubes. The novel Just-a-Plate kits
provide automation friendly procedure with unique benefits over silica membrane
or magnetic bead based conventional
Just-a-Plate Products for High Throughput Sample Preparation
- No column, silica membrane, magnetic beads or binding resins are needed. All you need is Just-a-Plate
- Novel SSRB technology provides maximum sample recovery with high-quality nucleic acids
- Best for screening purpose with limited sample resources
- No sample trapping in the filter plate, No solvents or beads contamination in the final sample
- The format and procedure in each protocol are convenient for automation or semi-automation. The kits are also suitable for labs without any automation toys
- No vacuum or magnetic force is required in the procedure. Streamlined procedure prevents sample cross-contamination
Novel Solutions for FFPE Samples
- Novel method to remove sample modification caused by the fixation process
- Provide longer RNA transcript, longer PCR template than conventional methods
- Easy procedure and minimum hands-on time for high thoughput sample extraction
- Convenient and suitable for automatic and manual sample preparation
Unique Products for Laser Captured Microdissected (LCM) Samples
- Novel technology provides maximum sample recovery
- Fast and easy procedure for LCM sample RNA and DNA extraction
- No sample trapping in the filter plate or between beads as in the conventional method
- Suitable for scarce sample resource such as only one or tens cells available as starting
- Sample collection, extraction, purification, amplification and analysis all in the same tube
New Ways for MicroRNA and siRNA Research
- Easy and fast method with minimum hands-on time for microRNA purification
- Broad and sensitive linear dynamic range between sample input and detection signal
- Extremely convenient tools good for both automation and manual manipulation
- Efficient and reliable screening method to deal with heavy loads of samples
Reliable Tools for Virus DNA/RNA Isolation and Quantification
- Reliable and sensitive purification and detection of virus RNA/DNA from any cell-free body fluid for as low as single RNA virus
- Easy and fast protocol with minimum hands-on time and maximum recovery efficiency
- No vacuum and carrier RNA required as in the conventional silica membrane technology
- Minimum cross contamination as sample extraction and detection in the same plate without transfer

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