Just-a-Plate ™ 96
DNA Sequencing Reaction Clean-Up Kit

The Just-a-Plate™ 96
DNA Sequencing Reaction Clean-Up Kit is designed and optimized for
simple, fast and high-throughput purification of DNA sequencing products. Up to
96 DNA samples can be simultaneously purified in a 96-well microplate format in
less than 20 minutes. No spin-column, filter plate, silica membrane or magnetic
beads are needed for the purification and no vacuum and filtration steps are
required in the process. Based on Charm Biotech
developed Solid Surface Reversible Binding (SSRB) technology, the Just-a-Plate system utilizes a 96-well plate with its
surface coated with proprietary turbo-binders acting to selectively capture and
to efficiently bind DNA fragments from sequencing reaction mixtures.
After doing sequencing reaction in the Binding Plate, the DNA sequencing fragments will specifically
interact with the turbo binders and bind to the surface of the wells in the
presence of binding buffer, while primers, fluorescent dyes,
nucleotides and other contaminants will remain in the solution. After washing the plate to remove unbound material,
the purified DNA sequencing products can easily be eluted in formamide
loading buffer and be analyzed directly with a sequencer, offering superior data
quality and read length
Feature Highlight
- Fast to perform: It takes less than 20 minutes of hands-on time to
purify 96 DNA sequencing products. No tedious vacuum drying process as is being
used for 96-well plates with silica membrane or magnetic bead, is required.
- Easy to handle: All
procedures have been optimized with standard 96-well PCR plates for
ease-of-use. The major successive steps in the DNA sequencing workflow can be
performed in the same plate, e.g. DNA sequencing reaction, sequencing reaction
clean-up, product elution, and DNA sample injection on a sequencer, without a
need for sample transfer. By contrast, multiple steps of sample transfer
between different plates are required when performing the same work with
96-well silica-membrane or size-exclusion membrane plate. Since no membrane is
needed for DNA binding or DNA size exclusion in the purification process, multiple
steps of filtration in the sample binding/exclusion and washing steps
associated with conventional membrane methods are eliminated, which makes the
whole procedure very easy to perform.
- Reliable quality: Consistent well-to-well and plate-to-plate
performance, reliable cross-contamination prevention procedure and unique
solid-surface capture technology ensure high reproducibility, efficient removal of residual dye blobs and reliable reading of DNA fragment size of greater than 40 bases.
- Enhanced Stability: Samples purified with a Just-a-Plate kit are stable for more than a week at room temperature. This is ideal for long-term storage/transportation between different labs.
Order Information
Product Description
Catalog #
Listed Price (USD)
96 X 2 (Preps)
96 X 10(Preps) ($0.40/per sample)
Customer Special (960)
Note: Individual kit components can be purchased separately, Please call for details.

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