We offer services in total RNA isolation, mRNA isolation,
cDNA synthesis, plasmid mini preps (1 ml), plasmid maxi preps (100 ml) and
plasmid giga preps (1000 ml). In addition, we also offer isolation and
purification of BAC and PAC plasmid DNA.
We use TRIzol or RNA-proven based technology to isolate RNA. We use oligo(dT)-based
magnetic bead or other mRNA technology for mRNA isolation.
The Plasmid DNA isolation uses an anion-exchange resin to
purify plasmid DNA to a level equivalent to two passes through CsCl gradients.
It can be used for transfection of mammalian cells and in vitro transcription
Customer provides:
For RNA isolation, we need frozen tissue, or cells as
starting materials
For DNA isolation, we can start with glycerol stock or DNA
Service includes:
Use of TRIzol to isolate total RNA
mRNA purification with magnetic bead
Run a gel to confirm the quality of RNA
DNA purification with resin based technology
Measurement of DNA with A260/A280
Digestion of DNA to confirm identity of purified DNA
free of RNA contamination
Timeline: 2-3 weeks
Purified DNA or RNA together with a detailed report