The Just-a-Plate™ 96 DNA Fragment
Size Selection and Purification Kit is designed and optimized for simple,
fast, and high-throughput purification and selection of particular sized DNA
fragment for NGS library. Up to 96 DNA samples can be purified simultaneously
in a 96-well microplate format. No spin-column, filter plate, silica membrane
or magnetic beads are needed (More)

The Just-a-Plate™ 96 PCR Normalization and Purification Kit is designed and optimized for simple, fast, and
high-throughput normalization and purification of PCR products. Up to 96 PCR
reactions can be purified and normalized simultaneously in a 96-well microplate
formats.... After washing the plate to remove unbound
material, the purified and normalized DNA products can easily be eluted in
10 mM Tris buffer. The eluted products from each well are all in similar
quantity, about 25 ng per well. (More)

The Just-a-Tube™ Concentrator for Nucleic Acid (DNA or RNA) Concentration and Purification is a novel solution for low concentration DNA or RNA samples. Without using any carrier, such as glycogen or tRNA, the Just-a-Tube Concentrator can achieves the highest recovery from solution even at extremely low concentration of nucleic acids. (More)

This world-first and patent-protected saliva collection and preservation dry
microtube can overcome all other saliva collection devices available on the
current market (such as Oragene saliva collection cup) with (1) Safest collection device for any users: Based on novel preservation
technology, there is no obvious preservation liquid inside the
Charm-Protect Saliva Collection and Preservation dry microtube. (More)