Just-a-Tube ™ Laser Captured
Microdissection (LCM)Sample Genomic DNA Purification Kit
The Just-a-TubeTM Laser Captured Microdissection (LCM)
Genomic DNA Purification Kit is designed for
easy, fast extraction of LCM cell gDNA with maximum recovery
efficiency. No spin-column, silica membrane or magnetic beads are needed and no
vacuum and filtration are required for the isolation. The tube can be used
directly in the process of LCM process. After LCM, DNA molecules in the sample are
captured efficiently onto the surface of the capture tube that is coated with a proprietary
turbo-binder. After quick washing, isolated gDNA can be used
directly in the same tube without sample elution for downstream applications, such as PCR and qPCR and
SNP analysis. The whole isolation process takes less than 20
minutes. Just-a-Tube LCM gDNA isolation system uses a novel Solid Surface Reversible Binding (SSRB) technology providing maximum
sample capture and release, which is suitable for samples from limited resources as samples from LCM process.
Feature Highlight
- Fast to perform: After tissue section, the whole purification process takes less than 20 minutes to purify LCM samples.
- Easy to handle: LCM sample collection, purification and amplification all will be processed in the same tube in a streamlined protocol. No need to transfer among different tubes for each process.
- Maximum Recovery: Since LCM sample source is limited. Maximum sample recovery rate is crucial for success of downstream applications. Since no conventional membrane and beads are needed in the process, novel SSRB technology provides maximum sample recovery.
- Technical data: Process down to 1 cell and up to several thousands cells from a diverse tissues samples, and up to 5-10 ug gDNA can be purified based on the sample types.
Order Information
Product Description
Catalog #
Listed Price (USD)
50 Sample Preps
250 Sample Preps
Note: Individual kit components can be purchased separately, Please call for details.

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